Residential Flat Roofs | New York Roof Pro
There are a vast amount of flat roofing systems on the market, and just like the commercial side of our business, we will always choose a roof system that best suits the need and conditions for the given environment and use. Here are the factors we consider when designing the best flat style roof system for a home. Life expectancy / durability / Cosmetics and Cost.
The most important thing to consider when designing your roof is the “flashings” and “drainage” systems are done correctly. We can assume that the “field” of your roof can be installed properly in most cases, but it is the flashing and drainage that will lead to its failure more times than not.
So regardless of the roof system, lets make sure the things that make the roof fail are done right and by the book. Also there are State and County laws that provide great detail in procedure and rules on how a flat style roof should be done and maintained.