Roof Pro replaces a roof on a Melville house.


Melville Roof Pro is here doing roof repair on a house in Melville, Suffolk County, New York. The Roof Pro team has covered the ground and parts of the roof with tarps to prevent nails, wood scrap and old roofing material from scattering around the ground and littering the yard. It is done to ease clean up and to keep small debris from hurting or cutting a home owner or his guests after Roof Pro is long gone from the work site.mellville-roof01

Roof Pro sets up a detailed estimate and time schedule according to each and every job

The original roof was covered twice, so the extra layers of material was starting to decay. Also the total weight on the top of the house was getting dangerous. We came and stripped the the old material off and started to lay a new roof on the bare wood.melville-tarp-roof

Sometimes adding more material on a poorly roofed house just isn’t the right thing to do. We also check for a good base, that’s important.

Our installers needed to clean up areas that were water damaged and had to fix bad rotted wood. When you get to chimneys or corners with two roof lines merging, it has to be flashed properly. The tar paper and or plastic water proofing material has to be worked around the obstructions in the roof. All attempts to make sure water flows correctly and quickly off of the new roof is a main desire. No dips or low spots on the roof are left. These high spots must be flattened so as not to crate puddling and or ice spots in the winter months.


Roof Pro will finish the job with great quality roofing material and warranties the labor and materials. We do this per our contract with each customer. When the job is finished we go over the roof to make sure it’s done to our specs. Sometimes the job won’t be finished until night time. A foreman or the estimator would visit the site the next day and approve the workmanship. He may send a crew back with the description of the final touches involved to finish the installation.
Roof Pro always installs good to great quality roofing shingles on a home. The cheap stuff is for the “fly by night” contractors, not us. Our roofs are guaranteed by GAF roofing supplier and by our own Roof Pro contract and warranty. That is what makes us different from everyone else. We do roofs and roof related construction. Many do everything contractors are decent at everything but great at nothing. Sometimes it shows and many times we are asked to fix a bad executed roofing service by a poorly trained company. We work for you and the quality will show.

Speed is good, economy costs are fine, but quality workmanship and materials trumps all that with a Melville roof that lasts.


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