Roof Pro fixes a roof on a Levittown house.




Levittown Roof Pro does a roof repair on a house in Levittown, Nassau County, New York. The roof on this Levittown home has water intrusion on it’s lower level roof area. The house had been added to a few decades ago with a second floor, the roof line was cut into for the new addition and made the roof work on several levels. The lower roof line, soffit and rain gutters were in bad shape and had to be taken down and built all new. The house had areas where water and snow had worked its way under the roof shingles and even rotted the under lying wood. That all had to be replaced with fresh wood and new insulation, water barrier and tar paper.


Roof Pro sometimes finds a roof that has water intrusion that even rots out the base wood. That must be replaced.



The roof was in pretty bad shape and needed to be torn completely off and some base wood needed to be replaced. Sheets of plywood are the best answer to replace the rotted old wood base. We cut and shaped the plywood to fit in the areas that needed to be replaced. New tar paper and insulation was applied as well as a moisture barrier plastic to prevent any more wood rot in the future, it was attached to the bare wood.


The home owner wanted to end the water intrusion and the wall stains. Although he wanted to keep the cost at a minimum.



We had to box off the lower roof area with boards of wood and build up the whole lower area of the soffit and over-hang. If the wood was rotted it was replaced. Even if it was just wet it was replaced because it may have the starting formation of mold or softening.

Roof Pro personnel had to fix areas that needed to fit nice and tight and cut the wood to size. We then reinforce the structure and close all possible heat escape cracks and openings that may cause water intrusion. It’s important to make sure all gaps are closed and water proofed with the proper caulking and sealants. We had to set up the area with new flashing and reseal the area properly. There is a certain way to do the job correctly and we do it as per GACFs rules and recommendations.


On multiple angled Levittown roofs the flashing fit and corners are important to finish. With special care and no gaps.


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Roof Pro always installs good to great quality roofing shingles on a home. We don’t use the cheap stuff, it always ends up biting you in the end. Our roofs are guaranteed by GAF roofing supplier and by our own Roof Pro contract and warranty. We finished the roof with a great quality shingle and at the the end cleaned up the sight. Also had a Forman come back the next day when it was daytime to look over the job and give it a Roof Pro approval stamp. If he found a problem or a missed area, a return visit from a Roof Pro crew would have to be scheduled to address the issue and make the correction.


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