Roof Pro fixes a roof on a Brightwaters house.


Roof Pro does a special copper pinnacle on a roof in Brightwaters, Suffolk County, New York. Our estimator was at the location last week and gave complete parts and labor estimate to the home owner and got approval for the job. The crew sets up tarps on the ground to prevent nails and debris from littering the area surrounding the house. Scaffolding is then built up to make the installation easier so the copper work can be sobered together safely.

Roof Pro does a special copper pinnacle on a roof in Brightwaters, Suffolk County, New York. Our estimator was at the location last week and gave complete parts and labor estimate to the home owner and got approval for the job. The crew sets up tarps on the ground to prevent nails and debris from littering the area surrounding the house. Scaffolding is then built up to make the installation easier so the copper work can be sobered together safely.


Scaffolding is used when detail must be done on a roof especially at the top end of a roof.

Some of the roof needed to be fixed or completely replaced. Also we cut and shaped the plywood to fit in the areas that needed wood to be replaced. Then added a water proofing sheet of plastic, tar paper and finished with high quality roof shingles. Next was the copper work to be done. Copper work is detailed and needs a professional coppersmith to do the proper installation.

Roof Pro has coppersmiths on staff when needed to build top vent structures or detailed circular roof tops such as ones on old victorian era homes. Sometimes we need copper flashing such as on Chimneys, skylights, stand pipes or complex roof shapes with multiple roof lines merging and making odd corners.

It’s important to make sure all gaps are closed and tightly water proofed with the proper caulking and sealants. Furthermore this house needs the copper work to be flush and tight to the roof line, the base of the roof had to be flashed and sealed as per our GAF industry standards.

Making sure all copper work is correctly done and sealed water tight is the Roof Pro way.

Copper is a great roof metal to use, it oxidizes very slowly and holds up to extreme cold and heat ( remember many cookware brands use copper ) plus the joints can be soldered together to make an air tight seal. Other metals are good but copper is better in many ways like we mentioned earlier. Acid rain used to be a problem but it has not been a factor lately with all the new cleaner fuels and coal usage quickly going away in America.

Our roofs are guaranteed by GAF roofing supplier and by our own Roof Pro contract and warranty. We finished the roof with a great quality shingle and to repair the areas we needed to fix. Finally, at the the end cleaned up the sight and had a Forman come back the next day when it was daytime to look over the job and give it a Roof Pro approval stamp. If there was extra attention needed on the roof a return visit from a Roof Pro crew would have to be scheduled to address it and make the correction.


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